Monday, August 28


So no date night tonight. Instead, we are helping some friends move. We've been friends for many, many years. We all knew each other before we were married. Some of us knew each other before we knew our spouses. Good friends are hard to find so when I do find them, I hold on to them. We have been in each other's weddings, our babies are only 10 days apart (not planned) and now we will be living near each other. When I have those days that I just want to high tail it out of California, it's people like this that continually make me reconsider. Good friends. Good people.

This pic is not the best, I know. Again, I don't have any recent pics of us together...I really need to get on this lack of recent photos thing!! Anyway, this is us. Robbie behind the camera taking the pic, me, Dianna and Gene Simmons, oh I mean John. We were at a Third Day/Micheal W. Smith concert. This was the first time that either of us had left our babies. I think it had only been a couple of months since we had them. It was nice to get out, and a little bitter sweet to leave our first borns. It was a great concert, even though we were in the nose bleed seats.

Happy Monday!!

Tuesday, August 22

Date Nights

Monday nights. Robbie and I get the chance to go hang out for a while, and the girls get to see my parents. They love it there and never want to leave!! Anyway, we usually try and catch a matinee and then have dinner after. We saw Talladega Nights. Funny! We were rolling! We like Will Ferrell and he was hillarious!

I was going through my photos to try and find a pic of just Robbie and me to post here and, you know what? I couldn't find any!! At least not anything recent. Outside our wedding and engagement and some dating pics, we don't have any. So sad! I am going to purposely work on getting more shots of the 2 of us.

Monday, August 21

For Aunt Judy

Some days are just like this...pajamas and TV...even though I sometimes feel guilty for all day pj days, I know when they get older, I will miss these days.

These girls crack me minute they are fighting and the next laughing and playing. They are both really silly and keep us laughing!!

Edited: I planned on posting more pics but blogger is not letting me...not sure why...errr I will ppost more as I am able too.....also, not sure why the big gap in between pics either.

Wednesday, August 16

oh and...

I want one of these too! and one of these ...

I can't help it! Her stuff is too cute!!

I want one of these bags....

Her stuff is so, so cute! I want one of the messenger bags with the new "flower power" fabric. So cute! She has some really pretty jewelry too...

Tuesday, August 15


what I got for an early birthday present?! The little booger isn't even bigger than a pencil! Love it!! I put those ear phones on and it is utter peace!! A mini escape while I do dishes :)

Thank you Robbie!! You always take such good care of me!!!!! <3 u!

Looking for a little inspiration?

Look here

This is my MIL's new blog. She was a womens Bible study teacher for years. Before I married her son I used to sit in on her studies and just glean. I was always so encouraged, as I know you will be too!

Monday, August 14

My daily struggle...

doesn't seem so struggly anymore...the very next day after my last post, I met up with a good friend of mine for our bi-weekly Bible study, and wouldn't you know it, the very thing I had been struggling with just so happened to be the topic of our study! Though maybe nobody else could identify with me, or understood, my Heavenly Father did! And He had an answer and direction for me! So amazingly cool how that happens!!! I was so encouraged and motivated!! I know this may not make sense, but I am just going to throw it out there was a matter of simple physics for me....a body in motion stays in motion! I know, not hugely profound at all. But I needed to hear that!! God knew!

"Through wisdom a house is built, and by undestanding it is established..." Proverbs 24:3

Wednesday, August 9

Daily me out here...

ok, as a Mom of 2 toddlers, 2 and 3 years old, I struggle with keeping a tidy home. Well, as tidy as I'd like to have it. My goal is to keep it so that should we have any daytime visitors I don't have to worry about being embarrased about a mess, or if my husband at the last minute gets a idea to go do something I can be ready and not have to come home to a big mess. However, in reality, it rarely works that way. As a SAHM I feel like if my house is a mess, it means I am just lazy! And sometimes, I admit, I am . The daunting task of picking up constantly well, is a bit daunting! I don't work outside the home. My home and taking care of my girls is my work and joy, most of the time. :) I know that I am fortuante to be able to stay home. I would not have it any other way. Although I do find myself feeling like I need to spice things up a bit, so that things don't get so monotonous. So this is my daily struggle...does this make sense to anybody else? Or am I alone?

So , I am not exactly sure what I am asking...I think I just want to know if anybody else out there deals with the same issues...and if you are, what do you do to keep yourself out of the everyday rut....

Tuesday, August 1


I have been cleaning out cubbards in my house...this cycle never ends for me. I clean it out, organize it and then 6 months later, it's back to a whopping mess!! Ever have that problem?? I think part of my problem is that I need to purge, get rid of what we haven't used in a year. If we haven't used it in a year, it's probably a good sign we never will, right?! I need to purchase some more of those plastic boxes to label so everything has it's own place. I did this for my girl's room and it was the best thing! Every toy has it's place, their room can be a big mess and it doesn't stress me out because I know not everything is going to be shoved into their toy box.

Ok, back to purging...another problem I have with cleaning out the closets and cubbards is what am I going to do with it all!? For me, a garage sale is not very lucrative. Once I count up all the hours of preperation before and after and comparing the's just not worth it to me. Believe me, I have had my share of garage sales. Then there is Goodwill, but that would require me packing it all into the car...which I have done, but not my favorite thing to do. So, yesterday we got a little postcard in the mail saying that a certain charity will be in our neighborhood to pick up any curbside donations next week! Yes!! Perfecto!!! I am taking advantage of this and doing a little summer clearance!! My husband will be so happy to finally get rid of the bags of stuff I already have sitting in his garage! I would love to show before and after pics to ya, but still having some networking problems...Have a great productive day!

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