The first time I got to and hold my first born in my arms. This was truly a magical moment. She was an emergency c-section, so with only a glance at her after she was born , I was immediatly wheeled off to recovery and it was about 2 hours later that I got see her. It's as though my heart just leaped into hers and we were bonded from that moment on...

I still love to hold her in my arms. She gives me such joy! She is such a sweet, happy, bright, smart, beautiful little girl. She brings a smile to my face everyday! I am so proud of the little girl she has become. I am so honored to be her mother.
Happy, Happy birthday McKenzie Grace!!
Happy Birthday, Sweetie! We will see you tomorrow at your party!
Love, Gramma and Papa
Happy Birthday McKenzie!!!
Uncle Steven and I can remember how we all waited in the waited room all night long for you to come!! And here it is...4 years later!!
Hannah and Rachel can't wait to play with you at your party tomorrow!!!
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