Wednesday, August 9

Daily me out here...

ok, as a Mom of 2 toddlers, 2 and 3 years old, I struggle with keeping a tidy home. Well, as tidy as I'd like to have it. My goal is to keep it so that should we have any daytime visitors I don't have to worry about being embarrased about a mess, or if my husband at the last minute gets a idea to go do something I can be ready and not have to come home to a big mess. However, in reality, it rarely works that way. As a SAHM I feel like if my house is a mess, it means I am just lazy! And sometimes, I admit, I am . The daunting task of picking up constantly well, is a bit daunting! I don't work outside the home. My home and taking care of my girls is my work and joy, most of the time. :) I know that I am fortuante to be able to stay home. I would not have it any other way. Although I do find myself feeling like I need to spice things up a bit, so that things don't get so monotonous. So this is my daily struggle...does this make sense to anybody else? Or am I alone?

So , I am not exactly sure what I am asking...I think I just want to know if anybody else out there deals with the same issues...and if you are, what do you do to keep yourself out of the everyday rut....


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