Monday, October 30
McK has a throat infection and HB has a bit of bronchitis (sp?) Both are on anti-biotics and both are sleeping peacefully right now. McK is actually doing really well, as far as her eneregy and getting back to her normal self. That nagging cough, a bit of stuffy nose and a horse little voice is what is left. No more fever. Doc said that if she has no more fever today and tomorrow when she gets up, she can go to school. So hopefully she will do good through tonight and tomorrow morning.
McK & HB update
Just when you think things are looking better, HB wakes up at 2 in the morning with a 102.4 temperature. Poor girl! I really thought she was getting better. So, after a phone call to her DR. (at 2:30am) we have to bring her back in today to get checked out.
McK is still running a fever herself although, she isn't as lathargic as Haylee. She is up and playing, but her voice sounds awful. According to her, her throat hurts not a big bit, but a little bit.
Not sure if McKenzie will be participating in the fun festivities at school tomorrow...I will see what the Dr says...I will keep you updated after I get back from the Peds office this morning.
McK is still running a fever herself although, she isn't as lathargic as Haylee. She is up and playing, but her voice sounds awful. According to her, her throat hurts not a big bit, but a little bit.
Not sure if McKenzie will be participating in the fun festivities at school tomorrow...I will see what the Dr says...I will keep you updated after I get back from the Peds office this morning.
Friday, October 27
new like? My UBER talented hubby designed this for me....isn't he talented? Love it!! Thank you Robbie!! I *heart* you!!!!!
I am trying to add color to my blog, but I guess it doesn't exactly work like skins, these templates....hmmm....bare with me as I play around with it a bit...
2 sick girlies...
Haylee woke up yesterday with that awful barking seal cough, only after a couple of days of fighting a low grade fever. Then McKenzie woke up this morning with the same thing. Poor girlies! The cough sounds so painful and they hate taking medicine, but they always feel so much better after they take it. At the pediatrition's office yesterday, Dr. K said that Haylee was the third one with the wooping cough that morning. Sounds like something is going around. My girls haven't been sick in a very long time! I think with the weather changing from hot to cold and vice versa, and the wind, it all just took it's toll. We've all been battling allergies.
Anyway, I just hope they are better by Tuesday. McKenzie would be so sad to miss her first costume parade at school and trick or treating with Becca that evening. Both are so looking forward to it.
Ho hum....I hate it when my kids are sick...
Anyway, I just hope they are better by Tuesday. McKenzie would be so sad to miss her first costume parade at school and trick or treating with Becca that evening. Both are so looking forward to it.
Ho hum....I hate it when my kids are sick...
Wednesday, October 25
last night we were at our friend's house for dinner (it's the usual Tuesday routine)...had a great time. Stayed WAY too long! Didn't get home until waytoolate:thirty. It is now 12 inthe afternoon and I am still trying to muster up some energy. The 2 cups of coffee hasn't worked yet. I remember the days of staying out til all hours of the morning, coming home to sleep for a few hours, going to work an 8 hour day just to do it all over again. What happened!? Age? Responsibility? Having babies? Probably all three...
So I am sitting here at my computer when I should be doing some work around my house. Feeling guilty about that and then reading this in my bible study....
A model of a good wife..
"It says she takes care of her home and runs it well. She knows how to buy and sell and make wise investments. She keeps herself healthy and strong and dresses attractively. She works diligently and has skills which are marketable. She is giving and conscientiously prepares for the future. She contributes to her husband's good reputation. She is strong, solid, honorable, and not afraid of growing old. She speaks wisely and kindly. She doesn't sit around and do nothing, but carefully watches what goes on in her home. Her children and her husband praise her. She doesn't rely on charm and beauty but knows that the fear of the Lord is what is most attractive. She supports her husband and still has a fruitful life of her own which speaks loudly for itself."
... I fall so short! Sometimes I wonder if she ever had toddlers!?
Why or how is it that on days like this, I "happen" to read something like this? I know, and I am gently reminded by God's grace, that I can only be her with God's enabling and my surrendering. It is good to be stretched and challenged from time to time. It is what can get me up out of my chair and get me moving once again!
If you are still with me, Bless you! Thanks for letting me write this out loud. I know in my group of friends we struggle and and strive for this daily. The good news is, is that she IS attainable. I've caught glimpses of her in so many women I've known in my life. My mother for one...
Anyway, hope you have a good rest of the day...
Happy Wednesday!
** the paraphrased version of Proverbs 31 was taken out of the book I am studying called, "The Power of a Praying Wife" by Stormie Omartian. I highly recommend it !
So I am sitting here at my computer when I should be doing some work around my house. Feeling guilty about that and then reading this in my bible study....
A model of a good wife..
"It says she takes care of her home and runs it well. She knows how to buy and sell and make wise investments. She keeps herself healthy and strong and dresses attractively. She works diligently and has skills which are marketable. She is giving and conscientiously prepares for the future. She contributes to her husband's good reputation. She is strong, solid, honorable, and not afraid of growing old. She speaks wisely and kindly. She doesn't sit around and do nothing, but carefully watches what goes on in her home. Her children and her husband praise her. She doesn't rely on charm and beauty but knows that the fear of the Lord is what is most attractive. She supports her husband and still has a fruitful life of her own which speaks loudly for itself."
... I fall so short! Sometimes I wonder if she ever had toddlers!?
Why or how is it that on days like this, I "happen" to read something like this? I know, and I am gently reminded by God's grace, that I can only be her with God's enabling and my surrendering. It is good to be stretched and challenged from time to time. It is what can get me up out of my chair and get me moving once again!
If you are still with me, Bless you! Thanks for letting me write this out loud. I know in my group of friends we struggle and and strive for this daily. The good news is, is that she IS attainable. I've caught glimpses of her in so many women I've known in my life. My mother for one...
Anyway, hope you have a good rest of the day...
Happy Wednesday!
** the paraphrased version of Proverbs 31 was taken out of the book I am studying called, "The Power of a Praying Wife" by Stormie Omartian. I highly recommend it !
Wednesday, October 18
Baking, baking and more baking...
I have caught the baking bug! Which is unusual for me because I never considered my self a baker....haven't done much of it. However, this year I decided I would try my hand at it, and I am really enjoying myself. Here is what I've made so far...
1) Halloween sugar cookies (with the girls)
2) 2 doz Chocolate chip cookies as a thank you for the fire fighters who came to McKenzie's school.
3) 3 doz oatmeal peanut butter chip cookies
4) 1 loaf of bananna bread
5) 2 loafs of pumpkin bread...yummy!
...and there is still more I want to try...
If you have any holiday baking recipes you'd like to pass on, please do...I would love to try it!
1) Halloween sugar cookies (with the girls)
2) 2 doz Chocolate chip cookies as a thank you for the fire fighters who came to McKenzie's school.
3) 3 doz oatmeal peanut butter chip cookies
4) 1 loaf of bananna bread
5) 2 loafs of pumpkin bread...yummy!
...and there is still more I want to try...
If you have any holiday baking recipes you'd like to pass on, please do...I would love to try it!
Monday, October 16
Totally Tubular Dude!!
Robbie went float tubin' this weekend up in Mammoth. He had a great time. Caught quite a bit of fish. Trout, mostly. The Sierras already have snow and it is breathtaking. Even in pictures. I have been there a couple of times and it absolutley beautiful.
Here he is in his new float tubin' gear. Doesn't he look so cute!? He'd kill me for sayin' that...hehehe, oh well.
See he is sportin' 2 rods there. He recently took up fly fishing, which takes A LOT of skill. I would say he is a seasoned fisherman (although he would never admit that himself). He's been going since he was a teenager. It's a good get away for him. He works hard to take care of his family, so when he gets the opportunity to spread his wings, I say go for it!
Friday, October 13
Last year...
the girls dressed up as was so cute and so funny! Robbie took them around our neighborhood in the wagon to go trick or treating. They ended up with loads of candy, which I think we still have some...:) This year it looks like we are turning our chickens into princesses...
I just had to share this picture. Haylee's goofy smile cracks me up. It was taken at the pumpkin patch. It felt more like a summer day rather than a crisp, cool October day. Hopefully it will be much cooler this year. More like real October weather.
Have a great Weekend!!!!

Love Disneyland in the Fall. My Mom and I took the girls and we had a great time checking out all the decorations. It's really beautiful what they've done. Here we are at Main Street. It's a huge Mickey Mouse pumpkin behind us, in case you couldn't tell. A nice passerby offered to take the pic but didn't get the whole pumpkin in there...
My Mom thinks this a fake guy sitting here. As you can see the look on Haylee's face she knew better. After all the poking and proding this guy recieved from Mom, he quickly sat up and and turned towards my Mom and she just about flew out of the room with Haylee in arms! The whole room was rollin'! Even the poor guy who recieved the beating. He said that was the best one all day. I of course about pee'd my pants! Haylee wasn't quite the same after that either. She didn't want anything to do with fall stuff, pumpkins or anything resembling them...LOL
This here is McKenzie on her second time on the Big Thunder Mountain ride. The first time she went with her Dad. I got to take her this time. She laughed so hard. She would scream and then laugh, scream and then laugh. The dark tunnels made her a little nervous, but she did awesome!
This is her and the anticiapation of waiting for our turn. From the look on her face, it would seem that she has mixed emotions about it. "I am really excited, but I am little nervous too"...

Monday, October 9
7 years ago...
this day, October 9, 1999, I married Robbie. I still remember it like it was yesterday. The WHOLE ceremony, I can tell you about everything that happened. People's faces, the laughter as our pastor asked for the rings and Robbie was handed a tightly sealed with duct tape Dr Pepper box (he loved the Dr like water) only to find a tightly sealed with duct tape sock full of rice and a gumball wedding ring! I remember every song that was played and for what part it went with. I remember seeing Robbie's face as my Dad began the long walk with me down the isle to give me away. I remember my oldest brother wiping tears off his cheek as the story of Ruth and her kinsmen redemer was told. I remember how beautiful my sister looked as my maitron of honor with her hair pulled up full of babys breath flowers. I remember my mother barely holding it together. I remember my brother Mike lighting the candles and how proud it made me feel. I remember that I wasn't happy with the flowers. NOT at all what I had imagined, but I got over it very quickly, wasn't going to let it ruin my wedding day.
I only had 4 brides maids, but each one represented something special to me. My sister, of course who has known me my whole life. A dear friend whom I knew in my childhood and into my adult life. Another good friend who took me under her wing and helped me to grow in my spiritual walk, and my sister in law who represented my new life.
Now, as far as reception, I CANNOT remember a thing!!! It is really all a blurr for me. I don't even remember what my cake looked like. Actually, there are 2 things I remember...Robbie and I and a few good friends playing and singing a few worship songs because that is how we met. We were both on the worship team at church. Robbie played rhythm guitar and I sang. And the last thing I remember was an hug from my new husband. We were both so, so tired and really just wanted to get away...and in that embrace he told me he loved me and asked if I was ready to go. It was a gentle hug, a connection hug that said to me that he wanted to take care of me the rest of my life! And he has taken the best care of me and my children, better than I could have ever imagined. I want for nothing!! I am seriously so blessed by him! I love him more and more everyday, every year. Yes, we have had our challenges. Mainly because he is male and I female, I don't think that needs much of an explanation. :) But it has been good, it has been great!! It was really a sweet, simple ceremony. It was us. That is who we are. Simple, easy going and full of love for each other, our children and our families.
"My beloved is mine and I am his..." song of solomon 2:16
I only had 4 brides maids, but each one represented something special to me. My sister, of course who has known me my whole life. A dear friend whom I knew in my childhood and into my adult life. Another good friend who took me under her wing and helped me to grow in my spiritual walk, and my sister in law who represented my new life.
Now, as far as reception, I CANNOT remember a thing!!! It is really all a blurr for me. I don't even remember what my cake looked like. Actually, there are 2 things I remember...Robbie and I and a few good friends playing and singing a few worship songs because that is how we met. We were both on the worship team at church. Robbie played rhythm guitar and I sang. And the last thing I remember was an hug from my new husband. We were both so, so tired and really just wanted to get away...and in that embrace he told me he loved me and asked if I was ready to go. It was a gentle hug, a connection hug that said to me that he wanted to take care of me the rest of my life! And he has taken the best care of me and my children, better than I could have ever imagined. I want for nothing!! I am seriously so blessed by him! I love him more and more everyday, every year. Yes, we have had our challenges. Mainly because he is male and I female, I don't think that needs much of an explanation. :) But it has been good, it has been great!! It was really a sweet, simple ceremony. It was us. That is who we are. Simple, easy going and full of love for each other, our children and our families.
"My beloved is mine and I am his..." song of solomon 2:16