Love Disneyland in the Fall. My Mom and I took the girls and we had a great time checking out all the decorations. It's really beautiful what they've done. Here we are at Main Street. It's a huge Mickey Mouse pumpkin behind us, in case you couldn't tell. A nice passerby offered to take the pic but didn't get the whole pumpkin in there...
My Mom thinks this a fake guy sitting here. As you can see the look on Haylee's face she knew better. After all the poking and proding this guy recieved from Mom, he quickly sat up and and turned towards my Mom and she just about flew out of the room with Haylee in arms! The whole room was rollin'! Even the poor guy who recieved the beating. He said that was the best one all day. I of course about pee'd my pants! Haylee wasn't quite the same after that either. She didn't want anything to do with fall stuff, pumpkins or anything resembling them...LOL
This here is McKenzie on her second time on the Big Thunder Mountain ride. The first time she went with her Dad. I got to take her this time. She laughed so hard. She would scream and then laugh, scream and then laugh. The dark tunnels made her a little nervous, but she did awesome!
This is her and the anticiapation of waiting for our turn. From the look on her face, it would seem that she has mixed emotions about it. "I am really excited, but I am little nervous too"...

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