Monday, September 25

Not much to report....

We had a slow weekend. Didn't do much but catch up on some house hold chores, inside and out. Went to church, which was really nice because we haven't been in...well, in awhile...visited with some friends. That was it! I know makes for a really great blog post, doesn't it?? Part of it is, I have been fighting something...not sure if it is allergies or the onset of a cold. Whatever it is, I hope to nip it in the "bud" before it gets bad. Although, waking up this morning, I think I may actually be winning this battle.

I am looking forward to tonight. My Mom is coming over and we are going to head to Micheal's to do some shopping for a Christmas craft project. She is making one thing and I am making another...should be so, so fun! Hopefully my sister will be able to make it too.

Here's to the beginning of a good week!
Happy Monday!


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