Our "Busy Bee"...

is now a "Pooh Bear"! After yesterday, her first day, we decided that since there was opening for the class she was originally supposed to be in, but didn't get in due to some clerical mistakes, that we'd go ahead and switch her. She will get to be with her best friend now, so she is super happy!!
I didn't think that it would matter too much if she and Rebekah were in seperate classes as long as they got to play with each other. Not only did they NOT get to play together, they DIDN'T even see each other, at least not until after school when we picked them up. It was a little sad. Going to school was so built up on getting to be in the same class together, play together, get into trouble together (he he) etc...that at the end of the day when we had to go home, there were some tears. McKenzie got pretty upset. She waited all day to play with Becca and only had a few minutes with her. It will be interesting to see how this works out. I think it will probably give both of them a boost of confidence, with already being comfortable with each other as they get familiar with a new teacher and classroom. I wish you could see them together. They are a riot! They already have this little bond, I just hope this bond helps them excel in the classroom and not hinder...we'll see. I am glad it all eventually worked out this way.
Hey Grace! I'll keep an eye on your blog, too -- your girls are so cute; I can't believe how fast they're all growing either.
I'm envious of your date nights. We need to figure out how to have those, too, at least a couple times a month. We have a sitter coming Sunday night for a church function; I may just ask her if we can have her twice a month on a given night. That's important.
I told Robbie -- if you guys want to come out to Colorado for a visit, you have a place to stay -- but you have to come before June or so, since we'll be heading out (I think). I wouldn't mind staying here a bit longer, but I think Scott's had it since he associates it with the Air Force.
Thanks for writing and you take care, too -- you guys keep in touch!
Darn it, now I have no one to give the Bumblee Balloon I was going to give to her on Saturday! LOL
She's going to LOVE Miss Stalder! And love being a Pooh Bear!
I'm so glad that she got in the class with her friend. Those early friendships are so important. Aunt Judy
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