Sunday, April 30
yep! my sweet little 3 year old girly girl has got it bad! whenever she gets mad at someone (mostly her sister, and sometimes her daddy and me) she fires them!! I wish I had a pic to show you of her angry eyes and pointy little finger when she shouts "you're fired!" Donald Trump would be proud, me....not so much!!!
Thursday, April 27
any seasoned scrappers out there...???
could use some advice... my dear hubby gave me some dinero to do a bit of shopping to increase my scrap booking materilas. I have paper, pens and glue, a few scissors and a few stamps. I know I should probably have some kind of paper cutter, not sure what kind though. Any ideas on what else I shoud get?? Help me spend some money...LOL!!! Any and all advice would be greatly appreciated!
*Edited* Thank you Darcy and April...I am ready to go shopping!!! :)
*Edited* Thank you Darcy and April...I am ready to go shopping!!! :)
Tuesday, April 25
Not much going on right now...just trying to get my act together this week. Yesterday was pretty much a waste of a day, productively at least, so today is make up day. My hubby got a babysitter last night and took me out of the house for dinner and we had some spare time so he took me to an awesome scapbook store, Collective Journey! It was so inspiring! When I get my things to be scrapped and my pics and thoughts organized, I will go back and buy some goodies..YAY!!! They also offer classes..think I am gonna try one. I have about 45 min. or so before the girls wake up. Think I will take advantage and go get a few things started.
AI is on tonight! Here's to Taylor Hicks, who in my book ROCKS!!!
AI is on tonight! Here's to Taylor Hicks, who in my book ROCKS!!!

Monday, April 24
Haylee talk
"mama, tizi hurht mah pealings"
translation= "Mommy, McKenzie hurt my feelings..."
-she cracks me up and always seems to put a smile on my little Haylee Laylee!!
translation= "Mommy, McKenzie hurt my feelings..."
-she cracks me up and always seems to put a smile on my little Haylee Laylee!!
Wednesday, April 19
Cuties with the goodies

Monday, April 17
Came in the mail today...

my Elizabeth George book, that is. Gonna be startin' this book and study with a good friend of mine. Together, we have gone through a couple of her books. They are so good for small studies. Love her! She is so down to earth and practical about how to apply biblical values. Really good. It's light reading, not too deep although, you can go as deep as you want it to.
He is Risen!!!
He is risen indeed!!!!!!
We had a great Easter! Spent it with friends and family. When the pics are uploaded I will post them...
We had a great Easter! Spent it with friends and family. When the pics are uploaded I will post them...
Wednesday, April 12
Kindred Spirits

Charlene, Tara, Kristy and Me! We have known each other since jr. high. We grew up together, and although we don't see each other very often, they are the best friends I ever had! It was always the 4 of us. We did EVERYTHING together! So fun!!
In this pic we were all roomies on our Madrigal tour to Seattle, WA. Not long after this we were real roomies when we rented a place together soon after graduation.
feeling nostalgic

Gina, remember this? Remember who took it? Oh man, those were the days! LOL!!
I received a letter to help in making a memory book for my high school choir teacher who is retiring this year, so I have been going through some old might be seeing a few of them here....we had the best time then. We had some great times, good memories...
For those who don't know, the pretty little gal in the picture with me was my best friend in high school. We were like peas and carrots!
"Capture life. Create art."
These are just a couple I have done...bare in mind I am just starting out, using what little matreials I have. It was so much fun. I really enjoyed it! One is an invitation to my daughter's bday party, and the other is what I gave my sister for her bday.

These are just a couple of things I have done...bare in mind I am just starting this, but I love it! It is really a lot of fun! The first one is what I made for my sister on her birthday. The flowers were insired by Kelli Crowe. She makes all kinds of scrappy flowers. The other is a invitation to my dauthers bday party. Inspired by another scrapbooker, but can't remember her name or blog...sorry.

These are just a couple of things I have done...bare in mind I am just starting this, but I love it! It is really a lot of fun! The first one is what I made for my sister on her birthday. The flowers were insired by Kelli Crowe. She makes all kinds of scrappy flowers. The other is a invitation to my dauthers bday party. Inspired by another scrapbooker, but can't remember her name or blog...sorry.
Do you any of you scrapbook? I am just now getting into it. I kept one in high school, but nothing compared to what it is now. I love the idea of recording our lives with pictures and journaling, telling our life story. There are so many blanks in my childhood. We have pitures, but not sure where we were, what we were doing, who was there, etc... there are so many phases my girls are going through, and they change so rapidly, I want to preserve them, and I can do that through scrapbooking. Here are a few links I visit often to get ideas, and to be inspired.
Once I figure out how to post a link on the sidebar, I will put them in there....
I have done just a couple of things, I will post them next...
Once I figure out how to post a link on the sidebar, I will put them in there....
I have done just a couple of things, I will post them next...
Second time around
Yep, I deleted, accidently, my new old blog! I am probably the only one in blogdom that has done that! In trying to delete an old one, I somehow deleted both. Good thing there wasn't much on there! Could I get any blonder???? The funny thing is, I dye my hair blonde! What does that tell you huh? Anyway, welcome to my new "new" blog!
Why Blog?
For some time now I have been reading others blogs...learning, gleaning and being inspired. I figured it was time to get one for myself. To hop in the game, so to speak, instead of just watching. Hope you can find some inpsiration or laughter or whatever it may be. Goodness knows I have gotten that much from all of you...