"Today I Feel Silly"
by Jaime Lee Curtis is the book being read here in the girl's new bunk beds...they love to be read to, love it! If you are looking for a new read for your kids, this is a goody. It's really cute. It's about this little girl and all the moods she goes through (sometimes in one day). My 2 year old gets a little lost through it, but my 3 year old loves it! Especially the part about her feeling like a princess. I love these new bunk beads, for this reason here...loved that I captured this Daddy and his girls' moment... he is really great with them.

I LOVE LOVE LOVE their bunk beds!!!!! Where'd you guys find them????
we looked and looked and came back to these...I think we looked at 5 or 6 different places, maybe more..but we ended up going back to these that are just around the corner from us at that kids furniture place...I can email you the specs if you want 'em. It's a full on the bottom and twin on the top.
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