Monday, November 13


I almost like Mondays as much as I like Fridays. I think because it's the beginning of the week, a chance to start over. Set some goals and get stuff done. I already have a couple of things crossed off my November list. I finished up my Christmas cards, got the girls a haircut and started a craft project. I am already feeling a bit of a crunch. I hate when that happens, 'cause I'd like to have my list done before Thanksgiving, we'll see. Good thing I am not a stresser, if it doesn't all happen, it doesn't happen. I just like to challenge myself a little bit...

So we didn't have any big plans for the weekend...we just used it to get some stuff done and then we went and hung out with some friends. It was a nice, kickback weekend. Nice, because I know with the Holidays coming, it will just get crazy, exciting and hectic. It is my goal this year to keep the focus of why we celebrate CHRISTmas. Not to get so wrapped up in the hustle and bustle of the season. It breaks my heart because it seems to me, that every year the CHRIST in Christmas gets a little smaller and smaller. People forget the real meaning of Christmas. I can't control what other people think and do, but I can make sure that in my own heart I remember and that I teach my children it's meaning so that our focus will not be lost...

I Didn't know when I started this post, that it would head in this direction, I guess I needed it.

Well, have a great Monday!!

"...My soul magnifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior..."

-Luke 1:46-47


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